Plan Session Devotion: Lord, You Have My Yes

by | Oct 30, 2015 | DEVOTIONS

Each Friday we invite you to join in and pray a new prayer of surrender to the Father. This prayer, friend, I invite you to offer to your God with unabashed devotion.

When I said yes to You, Jesus, I said yes to the pilgrimage. I’m going the distance with You, even though I don’t always like this journey I’m on. It’s those times when I don’t that I need Your assurance most.
It’s those times when I don’t understand, that I need Your assurance that You do. It’s those times when I feel like everything is falling apart, that I need Your assurance You are holding me all together. It’s those times when I learn things aren’t what I thought they were, that I need Your assurance that none of it took You by surprise.
It’s those times when I know I’m the reason for the mess, that I need Your assurance I have Your yes for the pilgrimage—that you will go the distance with me no matter what I’ve done or haven’t done.
I’m going to believe, even though I can’t see, that You’ve gone before me. I’m going to have confidence, even though I don’t feel it, that You are beside me. I’m going to trust, even though I feel afraid, that You have my back.
And, Lord, even when I don’t like it, don’t understand, and feel like everything is falling apart, You have my assurance, I’m not going my own way. I choose You. I’ve said yes to the journey. I’ve said yes to the process, and we are going to finish it—together, in Jesus sweet Name. Amen.

This devotion is one of many that are part of our Plan Session. To find all the Plan Session Devotions, please click here. We have the free Plan Session Study available in our library you may access by signing up here or below for our updates. Additionally, here are a few correlating verses that you can study and go little deeper with: Psalm 84:5-6, Deuteronomy 31:6-9, Acts 20:23-24. I pray these words spoke truth and life to your heart. If they have, will you share in comments with us?


Michele-Lyn is a wife and mama of four. Sometimes she’s still more of a mess than she cares to admit, but she will so you will know we are all in the process. You’ll find her writing about motherhood, missions, and embracing beautiful messes on her blog, A Life Surrendered. She’s an advocate for World Help, is currently seeking an undergraduate degree in leadership and psychology, and is The Pointed Life founder.

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