Plan Session Devotion: We Are God’s Plan

by | Oct 21, 2015 | DEVOTIONS

“I haven’t called you to go after the ones who don’t follow you. I’ve called you to go after the ones who don’t follow Me.” These words from the Lord stopped me in my tracks—more than once. I know it’s not about me, but still, so much of it is. What helps keep my eyes on God’s purpose and on eternity is reminding myself this: We are left here on earth after we are saved so that we can help others be saved also.

As peculiar as it may be, it is true. We are a chosen people. We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. And because of how He saved us, we can show others the goodness of God, for He called us out of the darkness into His wonderful light. Once we were not a people, but now we are God’s people; we had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy” (1 Peter 1:9-10).
We are carriers of His glory and tellers of His grace. We are God’s plan for the world to know Him. This week I am serving in Guatemala with a medical missions team and, World Help, the organization I love and advocate for. I know God has brought me here, but before I stepped foot on foreign land I prayed and continue to pray to know and remember His love for the world, the world that is so much bigger than my own. May we all know and remember it.
This devotion is one of many that are part of our Plan Session. To find all the Plan Session Devotions, please click here. I pray these words spoke truth and life to your heart. If they have, will you share in comments with us? We have the free Plan Session Study available in our library you may access by signing up below for our updates. Additionally, here are a few correlating verses that you can study and go little deeper with: 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21.

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Michele-Lyn is a wife and mama of four. Sometimes she’s still more of a mess than she cares to admit, but she will so you will know we are all in the process. You’ll find her writing about motherhood, missions, and embracing beautiful messes on her blog, A Life Surrendered. She’s an advocate for World Help, is currently seeking an undergraduate degree in leadership and psychology, and is The Pointed Life founder.

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