Pace Session Devotion: Release the Expectation
This season you’re in friend — it’s different than your last. You can’t keep up like you used to, and you don’t have to try. You can’t be all things, to all people, at all times, and you don’t have to be. Not every thing has to be done at a perfect ten. You can let that go. Take a look at where you are, and decide today what you can “just do enough” to get by. Release those expectations that weigh you down with guilt, and give your all to the important people and the important things that really need you.
Let the lesser plates your spinning drop before you drop the most important and precious ones of all. Have some already dropped? Well, it is going to be okay. You will be okay. They will be okay. Our Redeemer lives. He is also the Restorer, Jesus, who fills in all the parts you can’t. He makes beauty from ashes. He can handle your mess. Go ahead and let go. Give Him those things you are holding so tightly to that are nearly drowning you.
It’s not your job to keep everything in balance. It’s near impossible, actually. Life is fluid and flowing, and so is the Holy Spirit. Ebb and flow with Him friend, and release control. You don’t have to live in regret over the last season, nor fear of the next one. Be all-in today. This season needs you differently than the last, and differently than the next. Don’t miss it.
Find the rhythms of grace that God has for you as you rise, as you lay, and as you walk through your days. You can flow in God’s rhythm for your life. He will lead you on the path of life where you discover His peace, love, hope, and joy greater than you have ever known. You may not see it how and when you thought, but God’s timing is perfect. And in His perfect time, He will make everything beautiful.
Go Deeper: 1 Peter 5:7, Matthew 11:28-30, Ecclesiastes 3:11.
This devotion is one of many that are part of our Pace Session. To find all the Pace Session Devotions, please click here. We have the free Pace Session Study available in our library you may access by signing up here or below for our updates. I pray these words spoke truth and life to your heart. If they have, will you share in comments with us?
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