The values that guide our decision making are found in Our Credo. They are our core values and founding principles. Our Credo challenges us to keep what is most important, most important. Our defined values keep us anchored to our purpose. They are our compass as we navigate through new waters. They help us stay on course, and when we have wandered off course, they aid us in getting us back.

Michele-Lyn Ault, the founder and visionary of The Pointed Life, knows that the Lord, not just taught her, but formed in her these truths over her lifetime with Him. She believes that in the two years leading up to the start of The Pointed Life, God defined these values as founding principles to be from which every part of The Pointed Life grows. Michele-Lyn holds to them with utter resolve and deep conviction and regularly encourages and inspires her team to do the same.


We are not just consumers, but we are producers. Yet, we cannot produce apart from Christ. We abide in Him, and He in us so we can bear fruit that lasts. This is the most important part of our work. Everything comes from this place of connection and union with Christ. We cannot pour out until God has poured in.


God is the Architect. He is the Master Designer. He provides the plans as we seek Him for them. As we acknowledge Him and invited Him into every detail, He shows us the way. We are co-builders and co-laborers with Christ. We know, unless the Lord builds this, we labor in vain.


It does not matter how much we are known or how much we matter to one or one million. What matters is how much others know they are known and how much they matter to us and, more so, to God. Jesus calls us to go after the one. We know that we have limits and cannot be all things to all people, but we purpose to remember each person matters.



When we become a Christ-follower we are marked to lead–lead others closer to God. We are not the way, but we want to point the way to the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Others may follow us for a short while, so we can show the way for those who have lost their way. However, if we make gaining followers our goal, we have missed the mark. We want others to see the One we follow, and follow Him too.


A servant leader is a servant first. We seek to use our position as an opportunity to serve people, rather than as an opportunity to use people. Christ is our example of servant leadership. He did not come to be served, but to serve.


The people we serve, lead, and teach do not just need more of us, they need more of God. They do not need more of our opinions, philosophies, and theories. They need more of God’s truth. They do not need more of our charisma and charm, but more of God’s anointing. It is not by might nor by power, but by God’s Spirit that true redemption, healing, and freedom come.


We have not set out to build platforms or a following. We have our heart set on helping women build the lives they are called to lead. We are called to encourage one another, and build up one another in love.



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