by Michele-Lyn Ault | Dec 25, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Presence Session Devotion: A Child is Given “The virgin will conceive a child. She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel, which means ‘God is with us'” (Isaiah 7:14). During worship at our Christmas Eve service, I found...
by Michele-Lyn Ault | Dec 21, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Presence Session Devotion: Remember Who Lives in You We struggle. As women, we struggle over so many things, especially when our emotions and hormones are not the way they should be. It is easy for us to go about our days, dealing with the struggle of life, and forget...
by Michele-Lyn Ault | Dec 18, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Presence Session Devotion: A Holy Exchange Sister friends, I pray that as you pray this, you will have an encounter with your Heavenly Father. I pray the walls will come down and you will approach His throne of grace—free of shame. Father, call me. Call...
by Michele-Lyn Ault | Dec 7, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Presence Session Devotion: Deep Calls Unto Deep Our spirits long for God’s Presence so much more than we allow ourselves to linger in it. Deep calls unto deep. Our depths cry out for the depths of God. Our spirits are thirsting for His living water, hungry for...
by Michele-Lyn Ault | Dec 4, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Pace Session Devotion: We Are Who God Says Pointed prayer posts are my absolute favorite, because it’s when I invite you to pray, with me, honest prayers to our good, Good Father and our Ever-Present Help. Lord, what’s the point unless You go...