by Michele-Lyn Ault | Nov 9, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Pace Session Devotion: Embrace Your Season Some of the best advice I ever read for living, besides Bible truth of course, I found in the book called Your Life in Rhythm: Less Stress, More Peace, Less Frustration, More Fulfillment, Less Discouragement, More Hope by...
by Michele-Lyn Ault | Nov 6, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Plan Session Devotion: God Can Make It Beautiful Each Friday invite you to join in and pray a new prayer of surrender to the Father. This is one of those prayers that come from a deep, honest place of crying out to God for His mercy and grace. I invite you to pray it,...
by Michele-Lyn Ault | Nov 4, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Plan Session Devotion: God is Turning It For Good We know what Romans 8:28 says. It is probably a favorite to many of us. It says, “We know.” It says “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called...
by Michele-Lyn Ault | Oct 30, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Plan Session Devotion: Lord, You Have My Yes Each Friday we invite you to join in and pray a new prayer of surrender to the Father. This prayer, friend, I invite you to offer to your God with unabashed devotion. When I said yes to You, Jesus, I said yes...
by Michele-Lyn Ault | Oct 23, 2015 | DEVOTIONS
Plan Session Devotion: Lord, Help Me Pour Your Love Each Friday I invite you to pray a personal prayer of devotion and surrender in all the ways. Will you pray? Will you speak this prayer to your Father? I pray as you do, He joins His heart to yours. Lord, You...