by: Michele-Lyn Ault

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The beautiful and powerful part of the story of the prodigal son was the love of the father. The father was not waiting for his son to change, he was waiting for him to come home. Just the same, Abba Father is not looking for more converts, but for more children to come home.

Daughter, He is waiting for you to come home. Perhaps your story is not the same as the prodigal son’s. Maybe you’ve been away working tirelessly to please your Father, to get Him to see how much you love Him, to get Him to notice you, to feel you are worthy of His love. He sees you. He knows how weary you are—soul and body. He wants to lavish His love on you. He calls you to come home to Him, and rest.

There is nothing we can do to provoke God to love us more. He already does. {Luke 15:11-32}

The Pointed Life Devotion

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