by: Michele-Lyn Ault

I encourage you, friends, to read this prayer aloud. I am praying you receive a greater revelation of the love of your heavenly father.

Lord, help me rest in my daughtership. Help me know You are my God and my Creator, and also my Father. Help me know what it means to be Your daughter — what it means for You and what it means for me in my life and in this world. Help me know the kind of unfailing and never-ending love You love me with. A love so fierce and relentless that no matter what I do or where I go, I can never be separated from it.

I receive grace and mercy from You, but help me also know the responsibility and authority I receive as Your daughter. Help me be about Your business in this earth, and help me not to fear, but to walk in humble confidence knowing You own the world.

The Pointed Life Devotion

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