by: Michele-Lyn Ault
Lord, I pray for a servant’s heart. Help me to serve the people You have called me to lead. Show me what it means to aim for others’ greatness more than my own. May my pursuit never be to get to the front. And help me not fear being last, believing it means I have failed. It is not so in Your Kingdom.
Help me put myself aside, and help others get ahead. Help me not take advantage, but use my position and place to help others get the advantage. May I seek to serve, rather than seek to be served. It seems so contrary in a world that screams “Do what it takes to get ahead! Climb the ladder, and use people as rungs if necessary!”
Nonetheless, I choose Your upside-down-right-side-up Kingdom and Your ways. If You want me to step down so You can use my life for someone else to step up, then I lay myself low. And no matter what, may my life always, always lead others closer to You. Amen.
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