by: Michele-Lyn Ault
I was tired and frustrated and honest with God about it. In a prayer—equal parts audacious and commanding—I told Him, I want to see results that reflect how I work. I didn’t offend God with my honesty. But in a breath, His gentle answer transformed the attitude, focus, and condition of my heart.
“You will see results that reflect how you pray.”
Even our best efforts and greatest resources fall short when we are not joined to the source of our life. {John 15:5}
“When we feel like we have it all together, we base our prayers on our situation and our needs. But when we see our own insufficiency in light of the holiness and power of God, we focus on His agenda and His character. We realize that His attributes are worth relying on and ours are not. We base our prayers on who He is.” — Chip Ingram
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