by: Michele-Lyn Ault
If many are called and few are chosen, help me know what separates me is not my call but my response to it. Help me answer. Like Moses, I may give You the list of my disqualifications before I answer. When I do, remind me to be still and know You are God—the Great I Am.
Help me see the potential You put in me to fulfill the calling You have on my life. I know You have called me to lead. May I always to lead others closer to You. May I always remain teachable and pliable in Your hands. I am willing to do the hard work, cultivate growth in my life, study to show myself approved, but where my natural ability ends, help me trust You to make me capable by Your grace and take me the distance. I am the work of Your hands.
I have yet to see all that You have planned for me, and all that You are making me to be, but as I am developing and You are unveiling to me Your will, no matter the fear that tries to grip my heart and paralyze my running legs, I pray that I would always cling to the hope of Your calling and always keep my eyes on You.
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