by: Ashlie Oestreich

Each of us might give a resounding “yes!” to the desire for rush and chaos to be rid from our lives, but what does that really look like? How does one move from crazy to rest, from confusion to peace, from being overwhelmed to thriving?

As we look into God’s word, we read over and over about His peace, which is available to us — His daughters.

“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” – 1 Corinthians 14:33

In context, the Apostle Paul is speaking to the church about orderly worship — and as Christians, isn’t that what our everyday life is to be? A continual act of worship. Even in the mundane, everyday choices – our God can create peace and order from the chaos as we choose to follow to Him instead of running after every opportunity that passes before us.

Oh friend, do you long to live from a place of peace and fulfillment? Let’s look at at our lives and ask ourselves — Are the things that fill our time coming from Him? Or from places that steal our peace (fear, need for approval, things that are good but not suited to how He made you)? Hint: are you burnt out, exhausted, overwhelmed, yet unfulfilled?

This week, let’s challenge ourselves to take the slots on the calendar, the lines on the planner, the hours in the day, and consider them an altar of worship before our Maker. Only HE knows our hearts intimately and can cause peace to bloom where there seems to be only over-used ground.

Lord, we desire to run our race well. We crave Your peace. We only want to pursue the things that come as a result of pursuing You. Give us courage to remove everything else. Quiet us with Your love. Reveal to our hearts the distractions — things that may be filling our time yet stealing our peace and holding us back from living the life of freedom You’ve designed.

The Pointed Life Devotion

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