by: Michele-Lyn Ault and Ashlie Oestreich

The Pointed Life is not about a perfect life, it is about a directed one. How often do we not make forward progress because we just do not know where to go or what to do? The Lord wants to lead us and provide direction for our lives. He wants us to have eyes to see the vision and dream He has for us. Some of us have a propensity for perfection. What a hinderance it can be to forward motion. If we choose to look at the prefect Christ rather than all the imperfect in our lives, He will take us further than we ever thought we could go, and do more with our lives than we ever thought could be done. We can leave the perfecting process to God. “It was a perfect sacrifice by a perfect person to perfect some very imperfect people. By that single offering, he did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process” (Hebrews 10:14 MSG)

The Pointed Life Devotion

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