by: Michele-Lyn Ault

We were made for more.

Some of us have been delivered out of our Egypt–out of bondage. We know the scriptures. We know the truth. God is asking us to move forward, but we still feel the weight of the shackles on our feet. We may even feel ashamed, because of it and retreat even more. In that place, we can be honest with God.

God, I need courage in my core. Put courage in me. Help me rise as a victor, because You gave everything so I could. Help me know I am more than a conqueror through You, because You came to set the captive free. Help me drop the weights and run–in freedom–the race set before me so my life can be a light and testimony to those still bound in darkness, so they may be unshackled by You.

The Pointed Life Devotion

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