by: Michele-Lyn Ault

Daughter, all those times you said no to yourself, so you could give yourself to another, they are counted.

All those times you said no to going after your own dreams so another could fulfill theirs, you did not miss your chance.

All those times you helped another learn and fulfill their purpose rather than pursue yours, you were being prepared for one greater than your own.

All those times you sacrificed and sowed parts of yourself to tend to another’s soul, has yielded a bountiful harvest of your own you have yet to see.

All you thought didn’t matter, matters to Me. How lovely are your treasures are heaven with Me, waiting for you, and I wait for that day to give them to you. You will then see the beauty and splendor of this kind of surrender. It feels like it cost you everything, because no one can give up their own desires without inward bleeding, a mortal pain of your dying. You give your life, and gain life. This is the way of My Kingdom.

The Pointed Life Devotion

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