by: Michele-Lyn Ault

Sometimes, somewhere along the way our faith in God leading us, turns into faith in ourselves to get everything right. I find myself in this place all too often. When I cry out because I am sinking, God never fails to bring me back to solid ground.

“We are not called to success, we are called to obedience.” — Mike Massey

We are called to the kind of obedience that looks a lot like surrender. The surrender of our way to His. The surrender that says, “I don’t have all the answers, but I am going to run after the One who does.” The openhanded surrender of our whole lives, no parts withheld. The kind that commits, “My time, my resources, my ideas, my gifts, my life are not my own. I offer it to You Lord, so that others would know You are God.”

The kind of surrender that does not fear when the results are left in God’s hands and they don’t look like we thought. But rather trusts knowing we can plant and we can water, but only God can cause the growth.

The Pointed Life Devotion

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