Pace Session Devotion: God is Worth Waiting For
Are you waiting on a promise? Maybe you feel broken by the waiting. I know what it’s like, friend, to have something in your heart you hoped would be yours for so, so long and never see it with your eyes. It makes you wonder if you ever heard God to begin with. The pain and disappointment of not seeing it come to pass makes you want to run—wishing you never hoped for it to begin with.
Delayed hope makes our heart sick. Our minds become anxious, our strength sinks and fails, and we are tempted to give up hope of gaining what we desire; whether it be deliverance from the hard thing, or receiving the blessing. But hold on! The struggle is real, and God does not judge you as if there were none.
That promise God gave you is real. It was conceived in your heart by His Spirit. Remember, again, that moment when those words you read in scripture became God’s word to you. Remember the faith that became yours—the reality of what you hope for, and the proof of what you cannot seen. Hold on.
I know the fight to hold on to hope can exhaust us. We fight for hope in the waiting—hope for what is unseen. Neither the fight nor the waiting are pointless. There is purpose in it. God is doing a work in you. You are not diminished in the waiting. You are being enlarged. God is enlarging your capacity for faith, for endurance, for love, for courage—all you need to hold on to that expectant hope that God will do what He said He would.
And when you get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping you along. Trust that the wait is going to be worth it, worth it all.
Go Deeper: Proverbs 13:12, Hebrews 11:1, Romans 8:24-26. 1 Thessalonians 5:24
This devotion is one of many that are part of our Pace Session. To find all the Pace Session Devotions, please click here. We have the free Pace Session Study available in our library you may access by signing up here or below for our updates. I pray these words spoke truth and life to your heart. If they have, will you share in comments with us?
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