Presence Session Devotion: Remember Who Lives in You

by | Dec 21, 2015 | DEVOTIONS

We struggle. As women, we struggle over so many things, especially when our emotions and hormones are not the way they should be. It is easy for us to go about our days, dealing with the struggle of life, and forget that there is also an enemy who is against us. The devil shouldn’t get all of our attention and all of the blame, but he should get some. Let’s not forget he exists, and that we have authority over him. As the Bible puts it, let’s not let him take advantage of us by being ignorant of his schemes and devices.

The devil may try to hinder us and hold us back. He may try to oppress us, and press down back into the dirt. But we are rising. God is raising us up from the dust. We are rising from the ash. Though we feel like dry bones, God is breathing life into us—His own breath of life into our dry souls.
He wants us to know we are rising, not just as women and daughters, but as His bride—the Church, and we have work to do. We have the keys of the Kingdom. Jesus took back the keys when He conquered death, hell, and the grave, and gave them to us.
God put His Spirit in us. The same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us. Let us remember who we are and remind the devil, because he’s had his way far too long.
There are captives waiting to be set free, and we know the truth that will free them!
Go Deeper: Matthew 16:17-20, 1 Thessalonians 2:18, Ezekiel 37:5-6 MSG, , Ezekiel 36:27-28, John 8:32, 2 Corinthians 2:11-12.

This devotion is one of many that are part of our Presence Session. To find all the Presence Session Devotions, please click here. We have the free Presence Session Study available in our library you may access by signing up here or below for our updates. I pray these words spoke truth and life to your heart. If they have, will you share in comments with us?


Michele-Lyn is a wife and mama of four. Sometimes she’s still more of a mess than she cares to admit, but she will so you will know we are all in the process. You’ll find her writing about motherhood, missions, and embracing beautiful messes on her blog, A Life Surrendered. She’s an advocate for World Help, is currently seeking a Bachelor of Science degree in Leadership, and is The Pointed Life founder.

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