Presence Session Devotion: Enough Time

by | Jan 7, 2016 | DEVOTIONS

I have ideas—more than anyone can pursue in a lifetime. I bet your minds are swirling with them and notebooks are filled with them, too. The question is which ones do we follow? Inspiration is everywhere, and I get a little too inspired sometimes.

I want to do all the things, and be all the things. If I had the time, resources, and no little humans to care for, maybe I could. But would all my pursuits please the Father, because this life I live—it’s for Him? I don’t have enough time, money, or help to do everything, but I have enough time to do what God truly wants for me. And, so do you.

We always have enough time to do what God desires, unless we allow our days to fill and don’t make space.

We have been given creative and intelligent minds, and we have a free will. The beautiful privilege of free will is that God allows us to choose, and He often blesses our choices. He is a good, good Father.
But do you know when we find the truest joy, greatest fulfillment, and most abundant fruit in our life? It is when we bring God what we want, leave our heart’s desire at His feet, and pick up what He wants. Those are the best things.
It’s in that posture we sense the greatness of His love for us and for others. It’s through that surrender we see our greatest and deepest desires fulfilled without even really asking. He already delights in every detail of our life and cares about what we care about. We respond and demonstrate our love to Him when we care most about what He cares most about.
May we do so for You, Father.

Go Deeper: Matthew 6:33, Luke 12:31, Romans 12:1, Galatians 2:20.

This devotion is one of many that are part of our Presence Session. To find all the Presence Session Devotions, please click here. We have the free Presence Session Study available in our library you may access by signing up here or below for our updates. I pray these words spoke truth and life to your heart. If they have, will you share in comments with us?


Michele-Lyn is a wife and mama of four. Sometimes she’s still more of a mess than she cares to admit, but she will so you will know we are all in the process. You’ll find her writing about motherhood, missions, and embracing beautiful messes on her blog, A Life Surrendered. She’s an advocate for World Help, is currently seeking a Bachelor of Science degree in Leadership, and is The Pointed Life founder.

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