We Are Developed in Secret
It's tempting to think we have to be "all out there" to become someone important, but it's in the secret place we are developed — not on stages. It's in secret we are developed, like an image in a photographer's dark room; like a seed in the soil; like a baby in her...
Pursue Devotion: Lord, Help Us Pursue You
Often when Jesus asks us to clasp hold of His outstretched hand, He is asking us a few questions too: Do we want to trust Him more than ourselves? Do we want to be healed? Do we want to be restored and let go of the old life that is causing us pain? He asks if we are...
Prayer Devotion: Your God is Bigger
No matter what adversity lies in front of you — no matter how big and immovable the mountain appears — God is bigger. He is able. He is willing. Like light breaking forth after the dark of night, His power is unstoppable. His strength is unmatched. His...
Prayer Devotion: Agree With God
The angel spoke to Mary about what the Lord had planned for her life. "The angel said to her, 'The Holy Spirit will come on you. The power of the Most High will cover you. The holy Child you give birth to will be called the Son of God'" (Luke 1:35). ...
Prayer Devotion: Lord, Help Me Be A Good Friend
It's been a little while since I've posted an honest prayer here. If this prayer is your desire also, offer it with me to our God and Friend. Lord, You call me a friend. But can You call me a good friend? Help me a be a good friend to You, God. I don't...
Prayer Devotion: Prayer is an Exchange of Desire
When I was writing the Prayer Study I learned one definition of prayer was “an exchange” and more specifically—an exchange of wishes or desires. It's in prayer that we exchange our desires with God. We give Him ours, and He gives us His. How often do we...
Prayer Devotion: Tell God
Today's devotion is written by the lovely, Amy Hale, a new-to-us guest writer, sharing her honest heart with us. Welcome, Amy. As I prepare for a new year, I like to reflect on the ways God worked in the previous year by looking back through my journal....
Prayer Devotion: Honesty With God
One ordinary morning the Lord spoke to my heart, "You think about talking to Me a whole lot more than you actually do. Tell Me something you think I already know. I want to hear you." So I did. I told God my desires and fears, my dreams and frustrations, and...
Prayer Devotion: God is Our Ever-Present Help
So often in my helpless estate, I forget I have help readily available. The days I wallow in self-pity because there’s no one to sympathize—I have help. The days I lose my patience and then my temper for the umpteenth time—I have help. The days I’m ready to give up on...
Prayer Devotion: After God’s Own Heart
For a long time I wanted to be the best at everything. I thought I had to be to get God's attention, and yours. I thought the reason He wasn’t using me to do something great was because I was not great enough at something. Anything. The Lord did a work in me...
Prayer Devotion: To Seek God First
When the decision is out of your hands and you deeply desire it or desperately need it to be in your favor, the feeling of powerlessness can be overwhelming. You are not powerless when you are God’s. You can seek first His kingdom. Do you know what that really means?...
Prayer Devotion: Lord Show Me The Way
God is faithful even when we are not. He is an ever-present help, and asks us to come before Him without fear. It is why we can offer honest prayers. I invite you to make this one your own. Lord, make a way, but not just any way. Make the way You have for me. Forge...
Presence Session Devotion: Enough Time
I have ideas—more than anyone can pursue in a lifetime. I bet your minds are swirling with them and notebooks are filled with them, too. The question is which ones do we follow? Inspiration is everywhere, and I get a little too inspired sometimes. I want...