Pace Session Devotion: Measure of Success

Pace Session Devotion: Measure of Success

Pace Session Devotion: Measure of Success This prayer, friend, I invite you to offer to your God with open-handed surrender.     Lord, I’m weighed heavy with guilt about all the things. I’m carrying all of those undone and incomplete things I...
Pace Session Devotion: Release the Expectation

Pace Session Devotion: Release the Expectation

Pace Session Devotion: Release the Expectation This season you’re in friend — it’s different than your last. You can’t keep up like you used to, and you don’t have to try. You can’t be all things, to all people, at all times, and you don’t have to be. Not every thing...
Pace Session Devotion: Embrace Your Season

Pace Session Devotion: Embrace Your Season

Pace Session Devotion: Embrace Your Season Some of the best advice I ever read for living, besides Bible truth of course, I found in the book called Your Life in Rhythm: Less Stress, More Peace, Less Frustration, More Fulfillment, Less Discouragement, More Hope by...

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