by: Michele-Lyn Ault

Will you read this prayer of devotion aloud to God and invite Him in once again?

Lord, let me be under Your holy influence. There are so many influencing factors in my life — some I am completely unaware of how they shape my mind and heart.

I see. I watch. I hear. I listen. I scroll. I stalk. Lord, help me know when it’s too much. Impress upon my heart when what what I’ve let my eyes see and ears hear are pulling me away from You and pulling me toward a purpose that’s not Yours for me.

I want to see, watch, hear, listen to, and follow You above all else, so the words I speak, the thoughts I think, and the steps I take are pleasing to You. Help me know when I’m being led away from what You have for me. There are many pursuits. May my most passionate one be of You. There are so many things I want, but let my greatest desire be for more of You.

Spirit of God, let me stay under Your holy influence. In Jesus sweet name.

The Pointed Life Devotion

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