by: Michele-Lyn Ault

Lord, we are Your plan for this world to know “that” You came and “why” You came—You so fiercely loved the world that You gave Your only Son. You gave your life. How can I not do the same?

I am convinced the reason You keep us on this earth after we are saved is so that others might be saved too. You have commissioned us. We are Your ambassadors. That’s such a big word and a weighty call. Help us know what it means and help us answer well.

You said, “Feed My sheep.” I keep asking You to send the hungry. Send the broken. Send the hurting. Send the captive, the thirsty, and those who have lost their way. We want to see women saved, filled, healed, and freed to rise us and take their place so they can help others do the same.

Help us pursue You with our whole selves, counting all those things we have to give up as loss, so we may gain more of You. And as we lift up Your name, draw all of us to Yourself. Let’s do this, Lord. Together.

The Pointed Life Devotion

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